invis-0-bond ®

is a revolutionary formula we developed to put all of our products in a class of their own.

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What does it do?

Much more than any other sanitizing skincare product on the market.

    • Adheres:
      Adheres to the skin and prevents irritation from environmental exposure while it seals, protects, and soothes the skin.
    • Protects:
      Repels and protects against germs, grime, fluids, sun, wind, and other unknown contaminants found daily in our natural environment.
    • Moisturizes:
      Improves skin moisture content by an average of 75% per application, forming a barrier that continuously draws moisture from the air and retains it onto the skin.
    • Re-hydrates:
      Instead of de-hydrating like most alcohol-based skincare products, invis-0-bond® gives derma-glove® products the ability to re-hydrate for up to 8 hours.
    • Repairs:
      Offers skin cells the necessary time to safely and effectively regenerate and restore body chemistry back to a natural and healthy state.

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How does it do that?

Powerful antimicrobial agents attack bacteria in three ways:

    • Outside-In:
      The outer walls of the bacteria are dissolved and anti-biotic agents enter the bacteria through the damaged outer membrane and disrupt the biological activity of the bacteria, rendering it non-functional.
    • Inside-Out:
      Meanwhile, secondary derma-glove® agents enter the bacteria as an ingestible food source to destroy the structural and metabolic functions of the bacteria from the inside.
    • Continued Disruption:
      Antimicrobial agents then bind themselves to the bacteria and disrupt any opportunity for the bacteria to build new cell membranes or reproduce.

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